Viewing entries tagged
Legal Recruiter

Ti’s the Season – to Explore Your Options

This time of year often calls for personal and professional reflection. It is a good time, and often beneficial exercise, to re-evaluate your employment situation. Of course in this day and age, we should be grateful for gainful employment but that does not mean you should not consider ways to advance your career.

How To Increase Your Odds Of Interviewing Well

Is there an interview on your horizon?  If so, make sure take a common sense approach to making a good impression by utilizing three essential P’s: preparedness, positive attitude and professionalism.

Not Just a Buyer’s Market Anymore

There has been a lot of press recently about the rebounding market for home sales. For many years now, buyers have had their choice of multiple options and could afford to take their time in making the best selection.

Utilizing Your Network

You may not realize it but you have a network.  This could be colleagues, friends, former law school classmates, etc.  Whether you choose to utilize that network is up to you.

Attitude is Everything in an Interview

Going into an interview there are some things you can control and others you cannot. You cannot control how much or what type of experience you have. You cannot control your prior educational background or work history.

A Good Applicant is Always Prepared

Borrowing from the Boy Scout motto, a job applicant should always be prepared heading into an interview. You’ve worked hard on your resume, networking, and chasing job leads and now you are faced with your first interview for the position – don’t blow it due to your lack of preparedness.

Rising Like a Phoenix From the Ashes: The Mid-level Associate

We’ve come full circle from the Great Recession. The numbers are in and, according to The American Lawyer, mid-level associates are happier than they have ever been – but paradoxically, more prone to move to a new firm. These mid-level associates are actually working harder (as evidenced by the number of hours) and have been given more tools (at least technology that help them work longer, faster, better) and have more perceived job security than in recent years., but they are unsure about their future at their current firm.

Know When To Say When

This is not an illusive way of blogging about how to deflect work – it is actually about the consumption of alcohol in public.

Cars, Groceries, Coffee and People

My grandfather, it seems, loves tires. Every time I see him, he asks about my tires. How is the tread? What brand are they? How are they in the snow? he is sure that tires are the single most important part on the car.

Limited Experience? Make Your Resume Stand Out

We are hearing from a lot recent law school graduates lately and although the market has improved, jobs are still scarce for the majority of these folks. Creating a compelling resume can be a challenge when you do not have practical legal experience.

The Positive Spin

I recently received a cover letter from a candidate that reminded me of one of my daughter’s favorite characters from Winnie the Pooh – Eeyore. After a few pleasantries, the letter proceeded to state that the candidate had a “very poor” first year of law school and that his GPA was “less than desirable”. I could almost hear the sad trombone sounds in the background as I read the letter.

Don’t Burn Bridges When Giving Your Notice

Tendering your resignation is awkward at best and can get downright ugly in some situations. Whether you are leaving for money, career advancement or personality differences – offering a polite, professional resignation is always the best course of action.

The dog days of summer

The dog days of summer are a perfect time of year to assess your current employment situation. For many, late summer offers a chance to take a breathe from a hectic work year – whether you find yourself with some free time in the office or are out vacationing. Yes, loyalty is an admirable trait but if you are not willing to at least consider other jobs, you might be missing a real chance for career advancement.

Of course the grass is not always greener elsewhere, but you will never know unless you are willing explore other options from time to time. There may not be such thing as the absolute perfect job, but you might be able to improve certain aspects of your career that are particularly important to you.

So after some self-reflection, ask yourself if you are content with your current job or is it less than what you had hoped at this point in your career? If you hoped for more, now is an excellent time to consider a change because you may actually have time to update your resume, start networking, and perhaps test the market. Even if you are waiting for a year-end bonus, it is not too soon to start the process.

Trashing Your Firm in an Interview Could Cost You

Although sometimes a move is necessary solely for career advancement, it is more common for people to consider new employment due to some negative experience with their current employer. However, it is never a good idea to dwell on this too much in an interview.

Attitude Is Key When Interviewing

Going into an interview there are some things you can control and others you cannot. You cannot control how much or what type of experience you have. You cannot control your prior educational background or work history.

The Best Time To Consider A New Firm

When is the best time to switch firms if you are a practicing attorney considering a move? Although there is no hard and fast rule, the window of opportunity for associates to move typically falls in the range of 3-6 years of practice.

Delivering Bad News

In the job search context, bad news can come in many forms. While news that may seem bad is often just a statement of reality, it still can sting. The key is to understand how it will be perceived by the audience so the delivery can tempered appropriately.

Two Simple Steps to Success

I am convinced that two simple things can make you more successful at nearly everything you do: effective communication and managing expectations.