You may not realize it but you have a network. This could be colleagues, friends, former law school classmates, etc. Whether you choose to utilize that network is up to you.
As recruiters, we engage our network in sharing information about the changing legal market, job opportunities and other information that is pertinent to the legal profession. Much information and insight can also be gained through members of your network so it might be a good time to consider who is in your network and how to get the most of out it.
In particular, finding the right job opportunity can be greatly enhanced through your network. Recruiters often mention jobs to people within their network to generate interest not only from those individuals but also people within their own networks. Considering many job opportunities never make the want ads or are essentially filled when they do, it is important to stay on top of what is open in the market place. Likewise, people in your network may be your best resource in promoting you as a candidate for a particular job or opportunities in general (you just have to decide how discreet you want to keep it).
Now is a perfect time to take stock of your network and determine if you are truly taking advantage of its potential. It really takes little time and effort to cultivate your network – especially considering how much you could gain from it.