According to a recent study, 57% of the AMLAW 200 law firms that were studied are now hiring fully-remote “virtual” attorneys from other geographic markets. Nearly 20% more firms were considering hiring virtual, remote attorneys in other markets.
While the sample size of the study is small (they only surveys 30 of the firms in the AMLAW 200,) the message is very powerful. Remote work is here, and geographic boundaries are far less important than they once were.
While compensation for these virtual, remote workers is far from consistent, there are some firms who are offering full salaries based on the firm’s location – not the candidate’s location. In Minneapolis, we are seeing attorneys work for New York firms and being paid New York rates (and getting New York-sized signing bonuses) while working here in Minnesota.
How this affects the market long-term remains to be seen. With a possible economic downturn on the horizon, we will see if this remote work is a house of cards or if it can withstand a little uncertainty.
At the very least, this recruiting from outside of the market has created a situation where opportunities are very fluid – both for attorney positions with firms in the area and for firms looking for “virtual” attorneys. If you want to be ready to capitalize on this fluidity, having a resume ready and talking to a recruiter makes a lot of sense!