Want to increase your odds of finding a job? Use every resource available to you, which means doing more than just replying to job postings and start taking some proactive measures.
Relying solely on publications and websites for job postings puts you at a distinct disadvantage with others who have networked their way to the top of a candidate pool – before the job was ever posted. Of course, you won’t be able to connect with every potential employer, and many do not have pre-determined opportunities, so there is nothing wrong with responding to job postings, but try to increase your odds by getting to potential employers before your competition does.
Using the right recruiter is another excellent way to separate yourself from other job applicants. The key is finding a recruiter who has established relationships with potential employers and has built enough trust with the employer to be shown deference when recommending a candidate. In fact, there are times when a good recruiter can create opportunities for you by marketing your skills and experience to an employer before a job is open.
There is nothing wrong with replying to job postings, but why not improve your chances of getting landing the job through your own networking efforts and the help of a good recruiter?
Self-promotion acknowledged - the recruiters at Sand Search Partners would be happy to have a low-pressure, confidential conversation about job opportunities any time!