Spring is in the air – at least in some parts of the country. It is a good time to clean the house, replace the batteries in the smoke detectors, and update your resume. Okay, that last part may not be in the spring handbook but this really is a perfect time to make some necessary changes to your resume and supporting documents (addendum, deal sheet, case list, etc – collectively “resume”).
Your resume should not be static. No matter what your practice or job, there have to be at least a few matters that took place over the past year that are worthy of noting in your resume. Some people do this on continual basis, which is fantastic. Those in the active job market have likely kept up as well. It is those that are not necessarily looking but who might consider the right opportunity that can really benefit from a periodic update. This is especially the case in relatively robust legal market (compared to the last five or six years anyway).
There are good jobs to be had and, just because you never know when the right one will cross your desk, it always helps to be prepared. Preparation should include reflection of accomplishments over the past year, considering any stylistic updates, and making sure your overall resume flows well. It is easy to a get piecemeal feel when just adding a sentence or bullet point without considering the document as a whole.
Although the market is picking up, there are still a lot of people looking for jobs. Not only is it necessary to put your best foot forward with a quality resume, but it is also helps to submit your resume on a timely basis or it could get overlooked. So make sure you resume is ready to go when that perfect opportunity comes up.